Cincinnati Test Systems

Standard & Custom Leak Test Systems

Cincinnati Test Systems (CTS) is a world leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom leak test systems and leak detection equipment. Leak testing is critical to ensuring proper product quality, safety, and performance. There are numerous reliable leak test methods, each with unique characteristics that make it favorable for specific applications.
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Cincinnati Test Systems  has been a world leader for over 30 years for high quality leak test instrumentation. With advanced designs, features, and test algorithms, our leak detection equipment provides fast, reliable, and repeatable results for air leakage testing, gas leakage testing, and any other leak test application.

We offer a full line of standard leak detection equipment. We can also provide custom-built leak test systems that our tailored to your unique testing requirements.

See individual product listings for additional information and specifications.
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Sentinel Blackbelt Pro

Reliable 4-channel testing, ideal for flow, leak, vacuum, and pressure decay tests.
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Sentinel Blackbelt

The best single-station, benchtop leak test instrument available.
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Sentinel C28WE

Providing fast and repeatable leak test results.
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Sentinel I28

The most advanced single-station air flow and leak detection equipment available today.
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Sentinel C20WE

The perfect low-cost leak test solution.
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TracerMate II

Tracer gas management system suited for evacuating and backfilling test parts for sniff testing and tracer gas detection.
Cts sentinel 3520 leak tester card

Sentinel 3520

The 3520 Series Leak Tester is based on patented leak test technology delivering supreme accuracy and fast cycle times.
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Sentinel MH

The CTS Sentinel MH is a proven leak test solution with thousands of installations worldwide.
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Sentinel LPC-528

Leak and Flow Test Benchtop Instrument.